Tuesday, June 30, 2009

slim chances

I recently was fishing around on the LLS website looking at survival facts for AML. I wonder if something changed since we first looked at it, but the survival rate for AML is 23% or something like that. Maybe we were looking at MDS stats before.
I am still sad that I didn't spend more time cuddling Steve and talking more with him about all of this those last two weeks.
I miss him so much. I think he must be looking down on me and watching me cry and he would be crying too or trying to find a way to distract us.
Tonight I rode his scooter. I wanted to make sure to keep it running smoothly. It needed air in the tires and the gas light was on. I can't think of a time Steve would let the gas light go on. That was weird. I suppose if there is anything he could be doing, or he'd want to be doing, it's riding his scooter all day long- exploring some undiscovered area. His scooter does turn really well. It's very responsive and solid feeling. It is a bit hard for me to put on the stand, since it weighs about 50lbs more than mine.
I feel a bit like I'm going to be swallowed up by all the stuff at home. There is stuff I need to do everywhere, and it felt like a major feat to put the insurance cards in the scooters. That counts for my chore for today.
I have the cold that won't quit, and my throat is so sore. Sad AND sick!

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