Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I saw tons of dragonflies at the lake with jenny this morning and they were the first I'd seen this summer- so many of them flying around sweeping in front of me to get my attention. jenny knows they are connected to steve. I am reading the older posts on here and the snapshots and times are very pure of when and what I was feeling. And my friends are in the comments and they are here now and with me to get through this. I love steve. the pain was/is immense.

first dream I remember about steve

actually it was a dream about joe and "lifewater" vitamin water. joe kept wanting the water and trying to get more but they wouldn't deliver it directly to him. Boxes and boxes came but they had to be purchased by a neighbor and he had to go over with his papers and my calendar to sign for it. joe was having a rough time and was really angry and he came in to his place and shoed his friends out in a rage but I had to gather up my computer. I was using the computer working and erin and rhonda were trying to contact me on skype- while joe was doing something else in the other room. I had to disconnect my power cord and my mom was there. Steve walked in with his leather jacket on just off his scooter and looked great and I immediately put my arms and one of my legs around him almost from the side and wispered I love you in his ear and felt immense joy and we sat down together on a bench with joe. I woke up almost immediately and tried to hold on to the sweet feeling but I started sobbing- my body was sobbing without me wanting to at all- tears and my nose was running. I was awake and my heart was beating fast. Alert enough to get up and write this down but so happy to have seen steve. I could feel him and it was awesome. 3:45am